Install server-side Shadowsocks under Ubuntu 16.04

This tutorial is only applicable to Ubuntu 16.04 and later versions. It is based on Python 3. Since the package manager pip3 corresponding to Python 3 is not pre-installed, first install pip3:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Install shadowsocks

sudo pip3 install

**Check Shadowsocks version: **

sudo ssserver --version

New configuration file

sudo mkdir /etc/shadowsockssudo 
vim /etc/shadowsocks/shadowsocks.json

Add configuration information for multiple users


Add configuration information single user

//Single user{"server":"::","server_port":8388,"local_address":"","local_port":1080,"password":"123456789","timeout":300,"method":"aes-256-cfb","fast_open":false}

Parameter Description:

server: Shadowsocks server address
server_port: Shadowsocks server port
local_address: local IP
local_port: local port
password: Shadowsocks connection password
timeout: waiting timeout time
method: encryption method
workers:Number of worker threads
fast_open: true or false

Configure auto-start

  1. Create a new startup script file /etc/systemd/system/shadowsocks.service
sudo vim  /etc/systemd/system/shadowsocks.service

The content is as follows:

[ Unit]

[ Service]
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks/shadowsocks.json

[ Install]
  1. Start the Shadowsocks client
sudo systemctl enable shadowsocks.service
sudo systemctl start shadowsocks.service
sudo systemctl status shadowsocks.service

At this point, Shadowsocks has been configured. The following part is the optimization of Shadowsocks[server] ( side.

BBR is the latest TCP congestion control algorithm developed by Google. It currently has a better bandwidth improvement effect, and is not even worse than the old brand's sharp speed. BBR was introduced in Linux kernel 4.9. First check the server kernel version:

uname -r

If the displayed version is below 4.9.0, you need to upgrade the Linux kernel, otherwise please ignore the following.

Update package manager:

sudo apt update

View the available Linux kernel versions:

sudo apt-cache showpkg linux-image

Find a Linux kernel version you want to upgrade, such as "linux-image-4.10.0-22-generic":

sudo apt install linux-image-4.10.0-22-generic

Wait for the installation to complete and restart the server:

sudo reboot

Delete the old Linux kernel:

sudo purge-old-kernels

Open BBR, run lsmod | grep bbr, if there is no tcp_bbr in the result, run first:

modprobe tcp_bbrecho "tcp_bbr">>/etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf


echo "net.core.default_qdisc=fq">>/etc/sysctl.confecho "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr">>/etc/sysctl.conf


sysctl -p

Save takes effect. run:

sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_available_congestion_controlsysctl net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control

If both have bbr, then BBR is successfully turned on.

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