How to compile ijkplayer-android under ubuntu

The previous piece of text talked about compiling in cygwin of windows. It was really a variety of pits. The soft link could not be recognized, the x86 and 86_64 so files could not be compiled, etc. I tossed for a few days and still did not perfect in cygwin. To compile ijkplayer, I used my colleague's ubuntu computer today. The mutation of ijkplayer-android is really fast and very fast.

**1. Prerequisite: **

Here are the official tips:

# install homebrew, git, yasm
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install git
brew install yasm
# Need to configure SDK and NDK path
# add these lines to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile
# export ANDROID_SDK=<your sdk path 
# export ANDROID_NDK=<your ndk path 
# Software to be installed under Cygwin
# on Cygwin(unmaintained)
# install git, make, yasm

In ubuntu environment, enter home/xxx/

xxx represents your name. After entering the directory, press Ctrl+H to see the hidden files, and you can see:

. bashrc file, where you can configure environment variables similar to path under windows,

After opening, add your ANDROID_NDK and ANDROID_SDK paths. My configuration is as follows:

export NDK
export ADB
# Add to PATH

Before compiling, we need to install some software. We don’t need to install make. Make needs to be installed under cygwin.

As for git, I think everyone has installed it. If it is not installed, enter the following commands to install git and yasm:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install yasm

2. system version:

**3. Compilation steps: **

# Pull the source code directly to the local
git clone ijkplayer-android
cd ijkplayer-android
# Check update code
git checkout -B latest k0.5.1
# Initialization, will pull the ffmpeg code to the local and so on
. /
cd android/contrib
. / clean
# Compile ffmpeg soft decoding library
. / all
cd ..
# Various versions of so files will be generated
. / all

Executing ./ all is to compile ffmpeg. It will take a little longer. As long as your configuration and software installation are correct, you can see:

It shows that ffmpeg has been compiled successfully, and the next step is to compile ijkplayer.

**4. Import into Android Studio: **

I don't need to explain this, it's the same as importing an ordinary project:

**5. Latest streamlined source code: **

code address:

The directory after simplifying the code:

The above method to compile ijkplayer-android under ubuntu is all the content shared by the editor, I hope to give you a reference.

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