How to configure DNS for Ubuntu to make it permanent

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The virtualization project has recently come to an end. Our virtualization platform is based on the underlying system of Ubuntu customized Linux. Today a service needs to use the DNS service of the external network, so it is necessary to configure the DNS address as a RHEL7-based operator Maintenance engineer, the previous method is not very effective. Configured in /etc/resolv.conf: nameserver, it is found to be invalid after the next restart, and it has to be reconfigured.
The Ubuntu version I use is:

root@Geeklp:~# cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l

After checking the information, the permanent configuration file for configuring the dns of the Ubuntu system is: /etc/network/interfaces. For example, to configure the DNS address for the network card vswitch0, add a line below, with the content:
After the configuration is complete, the configuration file of the entire network card is:

auto vswitch0
iface vswitch0 inet static

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