Analysis of glob in python standard library

The glob file name pattern matches, without traversing the entire directory to determine whether each file matches.

1、 Wildcard

An asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters

import glob
for name in glob.glob('dir/*'):print(name)


To list files in a subdirectory, you must include the subdirectory name in the pattern:

import glob

# Query files with subdirectories
print('Named explicitly:')for name in glob.glob('dir/subdir/*'):print('\t', name)
# Use wildcards*Instead of subdirectory name
print('Named with wildcard:')for name in glob.glob('dir/*/*'):print('\t', name)

Named explicitly:
Named with wildcard:

2、 Single character wildcard

Use a question mark (?) to match any single character.

import glob

for name in glob.glob('dir/file?.txt'):print(name)


3、 Character range

When you need to match a specific character, you can use a range

import glob
for name in glob.glob('dir/*[0-9].*'):print(name)


Knowledge point supplement: Python programming: glob module for file name pattern matching

File preparation

mkdirtmp cd tmp touchfile1.txt touch file2.txt touchfile3.log ls file1.txt file2.txt file3.log


import glob

# Use zero or more character wildcards* 

# Use single-character wildcards?

# Use range matching

to sum up

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