——Wang Yuyang Summary (Code_boy) November 16, 2018
1 classPerson:2 name='xxx'3 age=2045 p=Person() #p is the instance object
6 print(p.name,p.age)7 p.name="yyy"8 p.gender='male'9print(p.name,p.gender,p.age)10print(Person.name,Person.age)
class Person: #Person's name and age are public
name = 'james'
class Person:
__ name ='james' #private __name
age = 20
def show(self): #self >> oneself
print(self.__name,self.age) #Visit yourself and return normally
p=Person ()
p.show() #Need to call except show() function, otherwise it will reject the execution of show in class
print(Person.__name) # Access to private attributes in the class returns abnormally
1 classPerson:2 name ='xxx'3 gender ='x'4 age =056 p=Person()7print(p.name,p.gender,p.age)8print(Person.name,Person.gender,Person.age)910 p.name ='A'11 p.gender ='Male'12 p.age =201314 Person.name ='B'15 Person.gender ='Female'16 Person.age =211718print(p.name,p.gender,p.age) #p instance object properties
19 print(Person.name,Person.gender,Person.age) #Person class attributes
1 classPerson:2 age =203 def show(self):4print(self.age)56 p.Person()
1 classPerson:2 name ='james'3 age =1245 def getName(self):6return self.name
78 def getAge(self):9return self.age
1011 p=Person()12print(p.getName(),p.getAge()) #Instance attribute object call
13 print(Person.getAge(p)) #Class name call
1 def show(self,s): #Parameter passing
2 print(self,s)34 p.show('hi') #'hi'Value passed to s
5 Person.show(p,'hello') #hello to s'''
1 classPerson:2 age =203 @classmethod
4 def show(cls):5print(cls.age)67 p=Person()
1 classPerson:2 __name ='james'3 __age =1245 @classmethod
6 def show(self):7print(self)8print(self.__name,self.__age)910 Person.show()11 p=Person()12 p.show()'''
1 classPerson:2 age =203 @staticmethod
4 def show():5print(Person.age)67 p =Person()
1 classPerson:2 __name ='james'3 __age =1245 @staticmethod
6 def show(): #Static without parameters
7 print(Person.__name)89 p =Person()10 Person.show()11 p.show()
1 classPerson:2 name ='xxx'3 gender ='x'4 age =05 #Instance method
6 def instanceShow(self):7print(self.name,self.gender,self.age)89 @classmethod #Class method
10 def classShow(cls):11print(cls.name,cls.gender,cls.age)1213 @staticmethod #Static method
14 def staticShow():15print(Person.name,Person.gender,Person.age)161718 p=Person()19 p.instanceShow() #Instance method call
20 Person.classShow() #Class method call
21 Person.staticShow() #Static method call
Instance methods are generally called with instance objects
Class methods and static methods are generally called by class names
Construction method (function)...>Complete function initialization
@ The constructor init(self, ...) is called when the object is generated,
Can be used to perform some initialization operations, do not need to be displayed to call, the system executes by default
If the user does not define a construction method, the system will execute the default construction method by itself
__ init__(self) is called when the object is generated
__ del__(self) is called when the object is released
1 classPerson:2 def __init__(self,n,a):3 self.name=n
4 aelf.age=a
56 p=Person('xxx',20)7print(p.name,p.age)
@ The destructor method del(self) is called when the object is released, and some operations to release resources can be performed in it
No need to show call
1 classPerson:2 def __init__(self,n,a):3 self.name = n
4 self.age = a
5 def __del__(self):6print('__del__',self.name,self.age)78 p=Person('xxx',20)9print(p.name,p.age)1011classPerson:12 def __init__(self):13print("__init__",self)14 def __del__(self):15print("__del__",self)1617 p=Person()
#__ init__ complete object initialization
1 classPerson:2 def __init__(self,n,g,a): #n,g,a Reference unit
3 self.name = n
4 self.gender = g
5 self.age = a
67 def show(self):8print(self.name,self.gender,self.age)910 p=Person('james','male',20) #After the p object is determined, the initialization (n, a, m) of the p object is completed
11 p.show()
#...__ Set default parameters in init__
1 classPerson:2 def __init__(self,n='',g='male',a=0):3 self.name = n
4 self.gender = g
5 self.age = a
67 def show(self):8print(self.name,self.gender,self.age)910 a =Person('james')11 b =Person('james','fenmale')12 c =Person('james','male',20)13 a.show() #Result: james male 014 b.show() #Results: james fenmale 015 c.show() #Results: james male 2016# __init__If the default value is set in the parameter, the original value will be overwritten after the new content is passed.'''
1 classMyDate:2 __months =[0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]3 def __init__(self,y,m,d):4if(y<0):5print("Error:Invalid year")6if(m<1 or m>12):7print("Error:Invalid month")8if(y%400==0 or y%4==0 and y%100!=0):9 MyDate.__months[2]=2910else:11 MyDate.__months[2]=281213if d<1 or d>MyDate.__months[m]:14print("Error:Invalid date")15 #After the date, month, and year are all legal, create the attributes (content) of the class
16 self.year = y
17 self.months = m
18 self.day = d
19 def show(self,end='\n'):20print("%d-%d-%d"%(self.year,self.months,self.day),end = end)2122 p =MyDate(2018,11,19)23 p.show()
1 classPerson:2 def __init__(self,name,gender,age):3 self.name = name
4 self.gender = gender
5 self.age = age
67 def show(self,end='\n'):8print(self.name,self.gender,self.age)910classStudent(Person):11 def __init__(self,name,gender,age,major,dept):12 Person.__init__(self,name,gender,age)13 self.major = major
14 self.dept = dept
1516 def show(self):17 Person.show(self,'')18print(self.major,self.dept)1920 s =Student('james','male',20,'softwart','computer')21 s.show()222324'''
25 result:
26 james male 2027 softwart computer
From the definition of the Strdent class above, it can be seen that in addition to the constructor of the derived class, in addition to completing its own new addition
In addition to the initialization of the major and dept properties, the Person constructor of the base class must be called, and the call must be displayed
Namely: Person.init(self,neme,gender,age)
Call Person's init function directly through the class name Person, and provide the required 4 functions
The constructor of the base class will not be automatically called when the class is inherited, and the call must be displayed
If there is an instance method in a base class, you can redefine exactly the same instance method in the inherited class.
For example, Person has a show method, and Student has the same show method. They will not be confused
We call the show of the Student class overrides the show of the Person
—Of course, the instance method of a base class can also not be overridden, the derived class will inherit the instance method of this base class
1 classPerson:2 className ='Person' #Own instance attributes
3 def __init__(self,name,gender,age):4 self.name = name
5 self.gender = gender
6 self.age = age
78 def show(self,end='\n'):9print(self.name,self.gender,self.age)1011 @classmethod #Class method modification
12 def classClassName(cls):13print(cls.className)1415 @staticmethod #Static method decoration
16 def staticClassName():17print(Person.className)1819 def display(self):20print('display')2122classStudent(Person):23 #className ='Student'24 def __init__(self,name,gender,age,major,dept):25 Person.__init__(self,name,gender,age)26 self.major = major
27 self.dept = dept
2829 def show(self):30 Person.show(self,'')31print(self.major,self.dept)3233 s =Student('A','male',20,'software','computer')34 s.show()35print(Student.className) #If there is no Student itself, the upper level (Person) is displayed
36 Student.classClassName()37 Student.staticClassName()3839 s.display() #Instance call
404142 # Result description: Student inherits the instance, static, and class (attribute) methods of Person
43 # result:
45 A male 2046 software computer
47 Person
48 Person
49 Person
50 display
1 classMyDate:2 __months =[0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]3 def __init__(self,y,m,d):4if(y<0):5print("Error:Invalid year")6if(m<1 or m>12):7print("Error:Invalid month")8if(y%400==0 or y%4==0 and y%100!=0):9 MyDate.__months[2]=2910else:11 MyDate.__months[2]=281213if d<1 or d>MyDate.__months[m]:14print("Error:Invalid date")15 #After the date, month, and year are all legal, create the attributes (content) of the class
16 self.year = y
17 self.months = m
18 self.day = d
19 def show(self,end='\n'):20print("%d-%d-%d"%(self.year,self.months,self.day),end = end)2122classMyDateTime(MyDate):23 def __init__(self,y,mo,d,h,mi,s):24 MyDate.__init__(self,y,mo,d)25if(h<0 or h>23 or mi<0 or mi>59 or s<0 or s>59):26print("Error:Invalid time")27 self.hour = h
28 self.minute = mi
29 self.second = s
3031 def show(self):32 MyDate.show(self,'\t')33print("%d:%d:%d"%(self.hour,self.minute,self.second))343536 p =MyDateTime(2018,11,19,21,21,54)37 p.show()3839 #Results: 2018-11-1921:21:54
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