Cpp web (1) Install and use Crow service under Ubuntu

Install Crow under Ubuntu

#1 surroundings##

boost 1.58.0
Ubuntu 16.04
cmake 3.18.2 

#2 installation##

#2.1 Install Boost

C++ Crow depends on boost

  1. Download boost source


  1. Enter the unzipped file
cd boost_1_58_0
  1. carried out
. /booststrap.sh
//Sudo is required
sudo ./b2 install 

Compilation and installation are complete in one or two minutes

#2.2 Install Crow

  1. Download the Crow source code

I installed Crow here under the path /home/trunk/

cd /home/trunk/
git clone  https://github.com/ipkn/crow.git
cd  crow 
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
  1. Test whether the Crow installation is successful

In the newly created build directory, there is a binary file build/examples/example, which runs a simple http request, port number: 18080

. /example

#3 use##

#3.1 Clion

  1. Use Clion to create the simplest project

My project here is called: crow_demo

  1. Configure CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)project(crow_demo)set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11)set(BOOST_ROOT "/usr/local/include/boost")set(BOOSTROOT "/usr/local/include/boost")include_directories(/usr/local/include)link_directories(/usr/local/lib)FIND_PACKAGE(Threads REQUIRED)SET(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED ON)find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system)add_executable(crow_demo main.cpp)target_link_libraries(crow_demo boost_thread boost_system ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})include_directories(/home/trunk/crow/include/)
  1. main.cpp
# include <iostream>
# include "crow.h"

int main(){
 crow::SimpleApp app;CROW_ROUTE(app,"/")([](){return"Hello C++ Crow";});


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