How to replace domestic sources with Ubuntu 20.04 apt

UPD 2020.2.26 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS has not yet been released, the tutorial is only applicable to the development branch (but this kind of tutorial should be universal)

Graphical interface operation-for desktop version

In the upper right corner of the desktop, click to open the menu, and click Settings.

Pull down on the right side of the settings option to find "About", and click Software Updates.

You can see "downloaded from" in the software and update interface, and we can modify it.

It is recommended to choose or You can also click to select the best server and test the software source with the fastest connection (the test time is longer).

Finally, when you exit the software and update interface, you will be prompted to update the software list information, just click Reload.

Terminal operation-applicable to Server & Desktop version

First we need to back up the original software source files (to prevent mistakes), and then delete sources.list (because we need to add content directly).

sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak

Use your favorite text editor, open sources.list and add the following content (you can also replace with your favorite software source:

deb focal main restricted
deb focal-updates main restricted
deb focal universe
deb focal-updates universe
deb focal multiverse
deb focal-updates multiverse
deb focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal-security main restricted
deb focal-security universe
deb focal-security multiverse

Refresh software source information:

sudo apt update

Update the software, you can feel the speed improvement after replacing the domestic source:

sudo apt upgrade


The article has not been updated yet (after all, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS has not yet been officially released).
In the future, other commonly used software may be added to change the source operation (equivalent to a collection of many tutorials, welcome to collect).

In addition, it is not recommended to update Ubuntu 20.04 now. When updating, try not to delete unnecessary software packages, because it is very likely that your previous software will use them (such as Sogou input method (qt4 is abandoned)), Certain s*r (python2 is abandoned), N card driver, etc.).

So far, this article on the implementation of Ubuntu 20.04 apt to replace domestic sources is introduced. For more related Ubuntu 20.04 apt to replace domestic sources, please search for previous articles of ZaLou.Cn or continue to browse related articles below. Hope you all Support ZaLou.Cn a lot!

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