Build a ScaleIO distributed storage cluster under CentOS7

ScaleIO is a set of EMC SDS software-defined storage solutions. It uses the company's existing servers to create a shared block storage architecture, improves the efficiency of enterprise resource utilization, and meets the scalability and capacity requirements of enterprise IT.

ScaleIO has an enterprise-level flexible design that supports future applications, catering to the needs of ultra-large-scale deployment and lower operating costs. By using the scale-out server SAN architecture established by ScaleIO, enterprises can have linear capacity growth from several servers to thousands of servers.

In the ScaleIO product community [EMC Community Network (EMC Community Network, ECN)], users can exchange technical support, ScaleIO product issues, product documentation, download ScaleIO, user guides, and more.

1、 Download ScaleIO CentOS7 related rpm package

2、 Prepare three CentOS7 machines to build a cluster

IP and hostname are as follows node1 node2 node3

All three nodes install the components required for jdk1.8 and scaleio deployment environment

yum install -y  libnuma*  libaio java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 openssl 

And each node is equipped with a 500G data disk

3、 Configure SSH password-free login

The execution in node1 is as follows

vi /etc/hosts
# Add the following three lines node1 node2 node3

ssh-copy-id root@node2
ssh-copy-id root@node3

4、 Install ScaleIO-gateway

mkdir /data/scaleio/
cd /data/scaleio/export GATEWAY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=123456
rpm -ivh /data/scaleio/EMC-ScaleIO-gateway-2.5-0.254.x86_64.rpm

5、 Wizard-style installation and deployment of ScaleIO cluster

Login node1, username admin, password GATEWAY_ADMIN_PASSWORD 123456

Use the import csv method to add nodes, the csv template data is as follows

Start to install and deploy the cluster

View cluster deployment and installation

6、 Install ScaleIO GUI tool on management PC to manage ScaleIO cluster

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