CentOS7 install mysql

1. Uninstall the default installation of mariadb:

yum search mysql

yum remove mariadb.x86_64

2. Go to the official website to find the download version of mysql


Find the following Linux7, CentOS7 (CentOS is owned by Red Hat)

Right-click on the link below to copy the link directly (or you can download it locally and then use ftp to upload it to the server)

3. installation

Installation: wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-11.noarch.rpm

Note: It is recommended to proceed in the /tmp directory

4. Install yum source locally

yum localinstall mysql

5. Check if it has been installed

yum search mysql

Find the corresponding software package, copy the name

6. Install with yum

yum install mysql-community-server.x86_64

7. Check if the installation is successful

ps -ef | grep mysql

8. Start mysql

service mysqld start

service mysqld restart

service mysqld stop

9. Find the default login password

cat /var/log/mysqld.log | grep password

10. log in

mysql -uroot -p password

Note: It is recommended to use mysql -uroot-p and press Enter before entering the password. Because using the history command will see your password in plain text

11. change Password


12. Open remote connection permission

use mysql;

show tables;
select *from user \G

select host, user from user \G

Note: \G will format the display

update user set host="%" where Host='localhost' and user ="root";

Update permissions

flush privileges;

Or restart the service directly: service mysqld restart

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