CentOS8 install MySQL8.0

Install MySQL8.0#

Install MySQL using the latest package manager


sudo dnf install@mysql

Turn on boot#

After the installation is complete, run the following command to start the MySQL service and make it start automatically at startup:


sudo systemctl enable --now mysqld

To check whether the MySQL server is running, enter:


sudo systemctl status mysqld

Add password and security settings#

Run the mysql_secure_installation script, which performs some security-related operations and sets the MySQL root password:


sudo mysql_secure_installation

Proceed as follows:

  1. You are required to configure the VALIDATE PASSWORD component: Enter y and press Enter to enter the configuration

  1. Remove the test database? Type y and press enter
  2. Reload the permission table? Type y and press enter

Remote login#

If you need to set up root account remote login, mysql statement:


use mysql; update``user``set host='%'``where``user='root'; flush``privileges;

Firewall settings#

After the setting is complete, open the system's 3306 port:


sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=3306/tcp --permanent sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Close MySQL host query dns#

MySQL will reversely resolve the dns record of the remote connection address. If the MySQL host cannot connect to the external network, the dns may not be resolved successfully, resulting in a slow connection to MySQL for the first time, so this function can be turned off in the configuration.
Reference Document
Open the /etc/my.cnf file and add the following configuration:


[ mysqld]``skip-name-resolve

Restart service#


sudo systemctl restart mysqld

After the test and installation of this machine, MySQL8.0 is already utf8mb4 character set by default, so the character set will not be modified

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