CentOS6.8 install python2.7

Note: I used CentOS6.8 to minimize the installation for this operation.
In order for ipython to save historical records, sqlite-devel needs to be installed

  1. Ready to work
yum -y install gcc wget xz unzip zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel sqlite-devel
  1. Download source code
  1. Unzip:
xz -d Python-2.7.12.tar.xz     
tar xf Python-2.7.12.tar     
cd Python-2.7.12./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python     
make install
  1. The replacement system comes with Python
    After installation, the executable file of Python 2.7.8 is located in /usr/local/python/bin. First rename the Python that comes with the system to python2.6.6, and then create a new symbolic link from Python to the /usr/bin directory.
mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.6.6     
ln -sv /usr/local/python/bin/python2.7/usr/bin/python
  1. Fix yum
    Now, the system calls Python 2.7.12 by default, and an error occurs when yum is executed.
    Solution: Change the first line of code at the beginning of the /usr/bin/yum file:
#! /usr/bin/python


#! /usr/bin/python2.6.6

At this point python2.7.12 installation is complete
Next install ipython

ipython installation

  1. Download ipython
  1. Unzip and install
unzip master.zip     
cd ipython-master     
python setup.py build     
python setup.py install
  1. Create symbolic link
ln -sv /usr/local/python/bin/ipython2 /usr/bin/ipython
  1. Install pip
    At this time, if you run ipython directly, the following error will be prompted, which is caused by not installing the corresponding module:
    No module named traitlets.config.application
tar xf setuptools-23.1.0.tar.gz     
cd setuptools-23.1.0     
python setup.py install     
tar xf pip-8.1.2.tar.gz     
cd pip-8.1.2     
python setup.py install

Create symbolic link

ln -sv /usr/local/python/bin/pip2.7/usr/bin/pip

Then execute ipython to see what module is missing and go directly

pip install module_name     
pip install traitlets     
pip install pygments     
pip install pexpect     
pip install backports.shutil_get_terminal_size     
pip install pathlib2     
pip install pickleshare     
pip install prompt_toolkit     
pip install simplegeneric

Well, the ipython environment is set up.

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