Linux notes (1): CentOS-7 installation

( A) Installation environment

VMware® Workstation 12 Pro, if installed on a physical machine, you also need to make a USB boot disk

( Two) Download

If you don't know which ISO file to use, just download the DVD ISO. This type of image file allows you to choose the software you need to install. Everythin is usually used by system administrators.

( Three) Installation

It is normal for you to be unfamiliar with the installation at the beginning when you come into contact with a new system. It's okay to install it several times with a virtual machine, choose different options to install, and search the experience of others on the Internet. You should be familiar with it soon.

(1) Enter the BIOS interface to set the first startup item, and save it with F10 (if you install a physical machine and use a USB boot disk to install, set USB as the first startup item)

(2) Restart after the BIOS is set, select install CentOS 7

(3) Enter the language selection interface of the installation process and select the language of the installation process

(4) Next, set the time zone, select the software to be installed, etc.

(5) If there is an exclamation mark, it is not set, so set it again. (Select automatic partition here)

(6) Click "software selection" and select the software to be installed. The minimum installation does not have a desktop. If you need to install a desktop, you can refer to the following.

Gnome desktop software selection

KDE desktop software selection

(7) After all settings are completed, click [Start Installation] to enter the following interface.

(8) Set the root password and create a new user.

The root account is the highest management account password for each Linux system, and it has all the permissions. After the setting is complete, click Finish and press to return to the user setting interface.

Generally, the root account is not used to run the system, just like Windows generally does not use admin to run the system. This is insecure, so create a new user.

(9) After setting the root password and creating a new user, just wait for the system installation to complete, and then restart.

(10) After installing and restarting here, the following prompt appears. This should be not set up before, just reset it. Since the network is a virtual machine, the network of the physical machine will be used directly after installation, so there is no configuration here.

(11) The installation is complete.

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