Linux CentOS 7 installation tutorial



CentOS 7/64 bit download:
Reply [centos7 download] to get the download link

If there is a problem in the installation, consult private WeChat: xxq1426211293



Linux is a free-to-use and freely disseminated Unix-like operating system. It is a multi-user, multi-task, multi-thread and multi-CPU operating system based on POSIX and UNIX. It can run major UNIX tools, applications, and network protocols. It supports 32-bit and 64-bit hardware. Linux inherits Unix's network-centric design philosophy and is a multi-user network operating system with stable performance.



  1. Select [CentOS 7] compressed package, right-click and select [Extract to CentOS 7].

  1. Double-click to open the [CentOS 7] folder.

  1. Select [VMware-workstation-full-] right click and select [Run as administrator].

  1. Need to wait a while.

  1. Click [Next].

  1. Check [I accept the terms in the license agreement] and click [Next].

  1. Click [Change] to change the installation directory of the software. It is recommended to install on a disk other than Disk C. You can create a [VMware Workstation] folder on Disk D or other disks, and click [Next].

  1. Uncheck and click [Next].

  1. Click [Next].

  1. Click [Install].

  1. installing.

  1. Click [License].

  1. Input: AA510-2DF1Q-H882Q-XFPQE-Q30A0, click [Input].

  1. Click [Finish].

  1. Find [VMware Workstation Pro] on the desktop and double-click to open it.

  1. Click [Create a new virtual machine].

  1. Select [Typical] and click [Next].

  1. Select [Install the operating system later] and click [Next].

  1. Select [Linux], select [CentOS 7 64 bit] for the version, and click [Next].

  1. Enter the name of the virtual machine [CentOS 7 64 bit], click [Browse] to change the installation location of the system, it is recommended to install on a disk other than the C drive, you can create a new [CentOS 7] folder in the F drive or other disks, and click [Down] step】.

  1. Change the maximum disk size to 60G and click [Next].

  1. Click [Custom Hardware].

  1. Click [Memory] and set to [2048MB].

  1. Select [New CD/DVD (SATA)] and then select [Use ISO image file], click [Browse] to find and select the [CentOS-server-7.0] image in the [CentOS 7] folder after decompression.

  1. Click [Network Adapter], and select [Host Mode Only] for network connection.

  1. Select [USB Controller] and click [Remove].

  1. Select [Printer], click [Remove] and then click [Close].

  1. Click [Finish].

  1. Select [CentOS 7 64bit] and click [Enable this virtual machine].

  1. Use the up and down arrows on the keyboard to select [Install CentOS 7], and then press the Enter key on the keyboard.

  1. The image is being loaded.

  1. Select [Chinese] and click [Continue].

  1. Click [Software Selection].

  1. Select [Server with GUI] and click [Finish].

  1. Click [Network and Host Name].

  1. Click [Finish].

  1. Click [installation location].

  1. Do not modify, click [Finish].

  1. Click [Start Installation].

  1. Click [Root Password].

  1. Enter the Root password, and then click [Finish] Warm reminder: If the entered password is weak, you need to click [Finish] twice.

  1. CentOS 7 is being installed (about 30 minutes).

  1. After the installation is complete, click [Restart].

  1. Do not do anything after restarting.


  1. Check [I agree to the license agreement] and click [Finish].

  1. Click [Complete Configuration].

  1. Select [Chinese].

  1. Click [Chinese].

  1. Click [Forward].

  1. Enter [Shanghai] in the input box, and then click [Forward].

  1. Click [Skip].

  1. Create [Local User] and click [Forward].

  1. Set the password of the local account and click [Forward].

  1. Click [Start using CentOS Linux].

  1. The CentOS system installation is complete.

Note: The original text is authorized to reprint in the software installation manager

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