Centos7 mqtt cluster installation

Prepare the database

create database mqtt;
use mqtt;

SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;-------------------------------- Table structure for mqtt_acl
CREATE TABLE `mqtt_acl`(`id`int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`allow`int(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '0: deny, 1: allow',`ipaddr`varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IpAddress',`username`varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Username',`clientid`varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ClientId',`access`int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '1: subscribe, 2: publish, 3: pubsub',`topic`varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Topic Filter',
 PRIMARY KEY(`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;-------------------------------- Table structure for mqtt_user
CREATE TABLE `mqtt_user`(`id`int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`username`varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,`password` blob,`salt` blob,`is_superuser`tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',`created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
 UNIQUE KEY `mqtt_username`(`username`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=643 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;All 3 nodes perform the following steps to install

Installation dependencies:
yum install lksctp-tools -y

Download emqtt:

# installation
rpm -ivh --force emqttd-centos7-v2.2.0.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm

# Replace is the real ip of the current node
sed -i 's$node.name = [email protected]$node.name = [email protected]$g'/etc/emqttd/emq.conf

### Modify the mysql plug-in configuration (pay attention to replace the database connection information)
sed -i 's$auth.mysql.server =$auth.mysql.server =$'/etc/emqttd/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf
sed -i 's$auth.mysql.pool = 8$auth.mysql.pool = 50$g'/etc/emqttd/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf
sed -i 's$## auth.mysql.username =$auth.mysql.username=root$g'/etc/emqttd/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf
sed -i 's$## auth.mysql.password =$auth.mysql.password=xiaoWEI0923!$g'/etc/emqttd/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf
sed -i 's$select password from mqtt_user$select password,salt from mqtt_user$g'/etc/emqttd/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf
sed -i 's$auth.mysql.password_hash = sha256$auth.mysql.password_hash = md5 salt$g'/etc/emqttd/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf

### Start and confirm
# Set emqtt to self-start
systemctl enable emqttd.service
# Start emqtt
systemctl start emqttd

# an examination
systemctl status emqttd or netstat-tlnp |grep 1883, if you print the following content, it proves that the service is started and 1883 has been monitored
tcp        00127.0.0.1:118830.0.0.0:*               LISTEN      21579/beam.smp      
tcp*               LISTEN      21579/beam.smp 

# Load mysql authentication
emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_mysql

# Restart emqtt
systemctl restart emqttd

Browser open http://Current deployment node ip:18083/#/plugins
Account: admin
Password: public
Confirm emq_auth_The mysql plugin is in the running state
Create a cluster

Assuming that the servers with mqtt installed above are node1, node2, and node3 respectively, then:
Execute on node2: emqttd_ctl cluster join emqttd@ip of node1
Execute on node3: emqttd_ctl cluster join emqttd@node2 ip

# Confirm that the cluster is created successfully
emqttd_ctl cluster status
running_All node ips are included in nodes, as follows:
Cluster status:[{running_nodes,['[email protected]','[email protected]','[email protected]']}]


If the cluster fails due to endpoints or other reasons, stop the nodes that are not in the cluster, delete related files and join the cluster again

systemctl stop emqttd
rm -Rf /var/lib/emqttd/mnesia/*
systemctl start emqttd
emqttd_ctl cluster join emqttd@Node ip

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