ubuntu 1804 installation details

What I installed here is the ubuntu server version, you can refer to this file for installation when installing.

  1. Choose installation language:

Here you can choose the default "English" and "Chinese (Simplified)".

  1. Select "Install Ubuntu Server Edition"

  1. Confirm selected language

  1. Whether to perform keyboard matching, select "Yes"

  1. enter

Any of the characters in your keyboard

  1. Type w

  1. Select "Yes" when the input is the characters contained in your keyboard, the following characters are not available on my keyboard, so now "No"

  1. Select "Yes" when inputting the characters contained in your keyboard, the following characters are not available on my keyboard, so now "Yes"

  1. Select "continue"

  1. Select "English"

  1. Select the area as "other"

  1. Select "Asia"

  1. Select "china"

  1. Select "United States"

  1. Fill in the hostname

  1. Fill in the user you want to add

  1. Fill in the password you set for this user

  1. Confirm the clock is Asia/shanghai

  1. Disk partition method, I chose to use the entire disk here, you can choose whether to use LVM according to your needs

  1. Select the disk you want to partition

  1. Whether to write the selected disk partition method, now yes

  1. Whether to set up proxy, generally not set, select "continue"

  1. Choose not to automatically upgrade the system

  1. Choose the software to install, I only chose to install "OpenSSH" for system streamlining

  1. Install system boot, select yes

  1. Whether to end the installation, select "continue"

At this point, the basic system installation is complete.

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