Ubuntu16.04 installation partition settings

During the Ubuntu installation process, disk partitioning is a headache for us. If you directly follow the installation program recommendations, you always feel that the classification is not right. The disk is not enough if you use it. Especially when you install dual systems, this article introduces the author. Partition scheme.

1. Determine the disk to be installed##

Determine the disk to be installed and format the unnecessary partitions, but also be careful not to affect the original system of the dual system

2. Create primary partition##

5 G The starting position of the primary partition space Ext4 log file system/

3. Create swap partition##

2048 MB logical partition space starting position swap space

4. Create boot partition##

1 G The starting position of the logical partition space Ext4 log file system /boot

5. Create home partition##

Remaining space logical partition space starting position Ext4 log file system /home

Reference article##


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