How to Run Tmux Service Scripts on Ubuntu Start Up

Yes, it is not a long memory after doing it countless times. Yesterday I stepped on it again; the startup script written on ubuntu does not execute, it is only a problem of executable permissions and user permissions, and wasted another morning;

Do some work automatically when unbuntu starts. The best practice is:

You want to execute a service

At this time you need to use ubuntu's upstart mechanism

To put it simply, this is a script like this:

123 start on startuptaskexec /path/to/command

Save it as a taskxxx.conf file and place it under the /etc/init directory (this will be started with root user authority when booting);

Or save as ~/.config/upstart (this will start with the current user rights at boot time)

You need to use the systemd service, which we wrote about popular science articles before:

Just want to execute a simple command

1 sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Add the executed command, don’t forget to add exit at the end

12 /opt/tmux.shexit 0

Increase executable permissions

1 sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local


If it is to modify an environment variable

Modify the current user:

1 nano ~/.bashrc

Effective for all users:

1 nano ~/etc/profile

Finally, the simplest and rude way to perform tasks on startup is included

Just start a tmux session in /etc/rc.local and execute the commands you want to run in it; simple and rude and effective

Here is a template:

1234567891011121314151617181920 #! /bin/bash# description "Start Tmux"# Sleep for 5 seconds. If you are starting more than one tmux session# "at the same time", then make sure they all sleep for different periods# or you can experience problems/bin/sleep 5# Ensure the environment is availablesource ~/.bashrc# Create a new tmux session named newscrawler../usr/bin/tmux new-session -d -s bitcoin# ...and control the tmux session (initially ensure the environment# is available, then run commands)# /usr/bin/tmux send-keys -t bitcoincash:0 "source ~/.bashrc" C-mtmux new-window -n console -t bitcoin/bin/sleep 3/usr/bin/tmux send-keys -t bitcoin:0 "cd /opt/bitcoin && ./" C-m/bin/sleep 3/usr/bin/tmux send-keys -t bitcoin:1 "cd /opt/bitcoin && ./checkwallet start" C-m

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