Detailed installation steps of CentOS6.4 system in virtual machine

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1、 Installation mirror preparation##

Download all the images of CentOS6.4 from the official CentOS website, where bin-DVD1.iso and bin-DVD2.iso are the full version of CentOS6.4. You only need bin to install CentOS6.4. -DVD1.bin, and bin-DVD2.iso stores the software installation packages that may be used by the CentOS6.4 system. minimal.iso is a minimal image of the CentOS6.4 system, and the minimal mode selected when installing bin-DVD1.iso is different from the package in minimal.iso. netinstall.iso is the network installation version of CentOS6.4.

2、 Virtual machine preparation##

Since the memory of the physical machine is 8G, the memory of a single virtual machine is changed to 2G, and two virtual machines will be cloned later, a total of 6G virtual machine memory.

3、 Install CentOS6.4 system##

At this time, the ISO CD-ROM has been ejected, enter the virtual machine settings, and select "Device Status -> Connected" to indicate that the ISO CD-ROM is inserted into the CD.

The network setting here can only use DHCP in the NAT mode. Manually setting the IP address under the vnet8 gateway does not work.

Installation mode: Basic server mode.

Successful installation.

4、 System initial configuration##

5、 System rescue mode##

The cursor enters the virtual machine, press the F2 key when the virtual machine starts, enter the BIOS system in the virtual machine, and set the first startup sequence of the system to start from CD-ROM.

Enter the bash system rescue mode as the root user.

After exiting the system rescue mode, when restarting the virtual machine, press the F2 key to enter the BIOS system of the virtual machine and restore the first boot sequence of the system to disk boot.

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