Linux CentOS 7 virtual machine clone

Linux CentOS 7 Virtual Machine Clone###

1. Back up the original virtual machine####

Select the virtual machine, right-click the snapshot, and then take a snapshot.

  1. png

2. Start cloning

Select the virtual machine, right-click Manage, and then click Clone.

  1. png

  1. png

  1. png

  1. png

  1. png
After cloning is complete, enter the virtual machine and set ip
Execute the command (ifcfg- added according to your own situation):
vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethxxx

  1. png
Related introduction (according to your actual situation):
ONBOOT=yes (whether to start after boot,yes)
BOOTPROTO=static(Is the ip address dynamically obtained or static, static?)
IPADDR= address, this ip address must not be set to be the same as the gateway IP)
NETMASK= mask)
GATEWAY= (default gateway)
Then restart the network card
service network restart
Check if the ip address has changed
ip addr

  1. png
You can see that the ip address has changed and the mac address is different from the one we cloned. At this time, the cloning is complete.
You can ping Baidu to try the network, then ping your previous virtual machine,

If the ping fails, you can try the following operations.

Delete the file bound to the Linux physical address (the file will bind the physical address to the IP after the operating system restarts and generate the physical address). If it is not deleted, the operating system will always be bound to the cloned physical address;

rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

If it still doesn't work, check whether the mac address is the same as the mac of the cloned machine. If it is the same, change it.

If you have any questions, you can leave a message:).
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