Install svn and configuration through yum under CentOS

1. surroundings##

  1. Install svn
    yum -y install subversion

  2. Configuration

Create a repository directory
mkdir /www/svndata

svnserve -d -r /www/svndata

  1. Build a repository

Create a new Subversion project
svnadmin create /www/svndata/oplinux

Configure to allow user rsync access
cd /www/svndata/oplinux/conf

vi svnserve.conf

Note: There can be no spaces in front of the modified file, otherwise there will be an error when starting the svn server

vi passwd
[ users]
#< User 1> = <Password 1>
#< User 2> = <Password 2>

  1. Client connection
    svn co svn://ip/oplinux
    Username password: 123456


  1. Realize the synchronization of SVN and WEB, it can be CO one out, or it can be directly equipped in the warehouse
  1. Set the web server root directory to /www/webroot

  2. checkout an SVN

svn co svn://localhost/oplinux /www/webroot

Modify permissions for WEB users

chown -R apache:apache /www/webroot/oplinux

  1. Create synchronization script

cd /www/svndata/oplinux/hooks/

cp post-commit.tmpl post-commit

Edit post-commit and add the following at the end of the file

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
$SVN update $WEB –username rsync –password rsync
chown -R apache:apache $WEB

Increase script execution permissions

chmod +x post-commit

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