(centos7) linux build nginx load balancing build

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Into the pitload balancing

  1. Virtual machine preparation, I am a linux development machine + 4 centos virtual machines
  2. Virtual machine preparation environment: ngnix server needs to open port 80 (ngnix default port) to ensure that all machines can be pinged (that is, network communication between servers), business server environment: jre1.8, open business ports (Mine is port 8888)
  3. (The installation process of nginx is below) Configure nginx reverse proxy
    The content of the ngnix.conf modified file should be configured as follows, which can be customized
# Source of response data
 upstream tomcats { 
  server weight=1;
  server weight=1;
  server weight=1;}

 server {
  listen       80;
  server_name  veng_bike;

  location ~.*{
   proxy_pass http://tomcats;}}

Install nginx process##

  1. Upload the nginx installation package
  2. Unzip nginx
    tar -zxvf nginx-1.12.2.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src/
  3. Enter the source directory of nginx
    cd /usr/local/src/nginx-1.12.2/
  4. Precompiled
    . /configure
  5. Quiet gcc compiler
    yum -y install gcc pcre-devel openssl openssl-devel
  6. Then execute
    . /configure
  7. Compile and install nginx
    make && make install
  8. Start nginx
  9. View nginx process
    ps -ef | grep nginx
    netstat -anpt | grep nginx

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