CentOS build private git

Server: CentOS 7

Client: Windows

One, configure the server#

1、 Install git on CentOS

yum install git
yum -y install git 

The effect of these two sentences is the same. If you use yum install xxxx, after you find the installation package, you will be asked Is this OK[y/d/N], You need to select manually.
But if you add parameters-y, y will be selected automatically, and you don’t need to select it manually!

2、 Create a new user##

useradd **
passwd **

3、 Add users to user groups for easy management in the future

groupadd gitGroup //Create a gitGroup user group
usermod -G gitGroup zhangsan   //Add user zhangsan to the gitGroup group

3、 Set the permissions of this user (to prevent git users from logging in to the server, just for safety, you can skip this step if you learn)

Open the /etc/passwd file

Change the newly added user (newly added, in the last line) to the following, ** is your user name

**: x:1000:1000::/home/**:/usr/bin/git-shell

6、 RSA authentication (it is one, to be precise, it is the most stringent public key authentication algorithm recognized at the moment)

Open the sshd_config file under /etc/ssh###

There are basically # comments in this file, you can find the following three, remove the front #, or directly add directly under Host

RSAAuthentication yes

PubkeyAuthentication yes

AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys

Then use this command to restart the sshd service

service sshd restart

7、 Add user's SSH public key

Create a public key directory

mkdir -p /home/git/.ssh/

Create key storage file

vim authorized_keys

Find id_rsa.pub (this one in the figure below) from the C:/users/username/.ssh directory of the client computer, and copy all lines to the file;

( PS: If there is no id_rsa.pub file locally on the client, execute the following commands in turn, and there will be

git config --global user.name "*Your username"
git config --global user.email "*your mailbox"
ssh-keygen   //After this input, press Enter 3 times

8、 Everything is ready, build a warehouse on the server

git init --bare /usr/local/repository/git/myGit.git   //myGit is the name of the warehouse, the front is the warehouse path

5、 Grant a power

chmod -R 777/usr/local/repository/git

(If you want to have a deeper understanding of Linux authorization, please refer to my "Linux authorization"https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1551204)

Two, windows client#

1、 Download the library you built

git clone zhangsan@Server IP:/usr/local/repository/git/myGit.git //Download the remote warehouse

This will download it. The following is a series of git operations. For operations that are not familiar with git, please refer to my blog (I haven't written it yet)


1、 If you are always prompted to enter a password, enter the following command, then pull, enter it once, and do not enter it in the future

git config --global credential.helper store

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