Centos5 installation guide

Centos5.3 installation guide preparation conditions:

CD (or U disk, or network installation is acceptable)

start installation:

  1. Insert the CD into the CD drive and start the computer, you can see the following screen

  1. Press Enter to continue, it will jump to the CD test interface, this link will test the integrity of the CD, I will directly press SKIP to skip here

  1. Next all the way to the hard disk partition interface

  1. You can create a default or custom partition structure. I choose from the definition here, click Next, and click New to create a new partition. My partition here is to create a 100M /boot partition 2000Mswap partition, and all others are specified to Follow the partition /, as shown in the figure after partition is completed. To create a swap partition, just select the format and select swap, no need to make a mount.

  1. The next step is to start the installation. In the middle, you will be prompted to choose GRUB to boot. Just keep the default. Whether the network is DHCP or manual configuration depends on your needs. Next to this step, you are required to enter the password of the root account ROOT

  1. After entering the password, click Next, and you will be at the Centos software selection interface. Choose the appropriate software according to your needs. You can choose minimal installation, desktop installation, etc., or customize

  1. After the selection is made, the system will be installed in the next step.

  1. After the installation is complete, the following screen will be displayed, click Reboot, restart the system configuration.

  1. As shown in the figure after restart, click forward to configure

  1. Configure the firewall, if you need to use those services, allow those services to pass through the firewall

  1. SELINUX security settings, some services will receive this feature limitation, here I click the default

  1. Create a username and password, here is a normal account

  1. All the way to the next step, click Finish. Centos is installed, as shown below

Next, go enjoy the stability and speed that Linux brings to you.

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