Build Discuz Forum based on CentOS

Tencent Cloud provides [Developer Lab] ( to help users build Discuz forums. The content of the tutorial is as follows. Users can click [Developer Lab] ( to quickly get on the computer to complete the experiment.

experiment screenshot

Prepare LAMP environment##

Task time: 15min ~ 30min

LAMP is the abbreviation of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. It is the basic operating environment on which the Discuz forum system depends. Let's prepare the LAMP environment first

Install MySQL

Use yum to install MySQL:

yum install mysql-server -y

After the installation is complete, start the MySQL service:

service mysqld restart

This experiment uses the mysql default account name and password. You can also set your own MySQL account name and password: [?], refer to the following:

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'Password'

Set MySQL to start automatically at boot:

chkconfig mysqld on

The password in the following command is automatically generated by the tutorial for you. In order to facilitate the experiment, it is not recommended to use other passwords. If you set another password, please remember the password, you will use it in the next steps.

Install Apache components###

Use yum to install Apache components:

yum install httpd -y

After installation, start the httpd process:

service httpd start

Set httpd to start automatically after booting:

chkconfig httpd on

Install PHP

Use yum to install PHP:

yum install php php-fpm php-mysql -y

After installation, start the PHP-FPM process:

service php-fpm start

After startup, you can use the following command to see which port the PHP-FPM process is listening on

netstat -nlpt | grep php-fpm

Set PHP-FPM to start automatically after booting:

chkconfig php-fpm on

CentOS 6 has already installed PHP-FPM and PHP-MYSQL by default, and the following commands may prompt that they have been installed.

PHP-FPM listens on port 9000 by default

Install and configure Discuz

Task time: 15min ~ 30min

Install Discuz

CentOS 6 does not have Discuz's yum source, so we need to download a Discuz compressed package:


After the download is complete, unzip the compressed package


After unzipping, you can see the source code of discuz in the upload folder

Go to Discuz official website to find an installation package and copy the installation package download path, here we use

Configure Discuz

Since PHP accesses the /var/www/html/ folder by default, we need to copy all the files in the upload folder to the /var/www/html/ folder

cp -r upload/* /var/www/html/

Grant permissions to the /var/www/html directory and its subdirectories

chmod -R 777/var/www/html

Restart Apache

service httpd restart

Prepare domain name and certificate##

Task time: 15min ~ 30min

Domain Registration

If you don’t have a domain name yet, you can Buy on Tencent Cloud. For the process, please refer to the video below.

Domain name resolution

After the domain name is purchased, the domain name needs to be resolved to the experimental cloud host. The IP of the experimental cloud host is:

< Your CVM IP address>

For the domain name purchased in Tencent Cloud, you can [add resolution record to the console] (, and the process can refer to the following video:

It takes some time for the domain name setting to take effect after resolution. Use the ping command to check whether the domain name is effective, such as:


If the information returned by the ping command contains the resolved IP address you set, the resolution is successful.

Pay attention to replace in the following command as your own registered domain name

You're done###

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