Windows10 install ubuntu20.04 dual system detailed graphic tutorial

win10 + Ubuntu 20.04 LTS dual system installation (UEFI + GPT) win10 installation (skip the installed ones) ubuntu installation is ready to make a bootable USB disk for Ubuntu installation, vacate the partition, turn off win10 quick start BIOS settings, install ubuntu, look at the desktop boot interface beautification solution Dual system time problem

win10 installation (skip if installed)

For win10 installation, please see: Win10 U disk reinstallation system New installation U disk installation Ghost version Win10 system steps

ubuntu installation preparation

Download the mirror from the official website:

Download rufus (recommended on the official website)

If the download speed is slow, you can use the one I downloaded (including mirror, rufus):

Make bootable USB flash drive

Insert the U disk, run rufus-3.10.exe, select according to the following, then click start, wait for completion

Free partition for Ubuntu installation

This computer -> Management -> Disk Management, select a disk

Right-click and select compressed volume to compress a blank partition above 50G (I divided it into 100G)

Turn off win10 quick start

Menu->Settings->System->Power and Sleep->Other power settings->Select the function of the power button->Uncheck Enable fast startup

BIOS setup

Power on and press F2 to enter the BIOS settings (my computer is F2, please Baidu according to your computer model)
Set Secure Boot to Disabled


Support is set to Enabled

UEFI/Legacy Boot is set to UEfI Only

After setting, save and exit

Install ubuntu

Shut down, insert the U disk, open it and press F12 to enter the startup item settings (my computer is F2, please Baidu according to your computer model). Note that many online tutorials need to be partitioned by themselves. Here I did not choose to partition by myself. When installing ubuntu It will be automatically installed on our unallocated blank disk, and ubuntu will recognize the installed windows. All of our subsequent operations can be installed by default. If you need it, you can change it according to your confidence.

Enter first by default

Waiting for inspection

Choose language and operation (choose according to personal needs), I choose Chinese (simplified) here

Keyboard layout (default is OK)

Generally the default is fine

Choose the type of installation, install Ubuntu, and coexist with Windows Boot Manager (many installation tutorials do not recommend this option, saying that there is a problem, anyway, since 16.04, I have installed this way, no problem), there are many other options on the Internet to install , If you need to, you can find it by yourself. Anyway, I find it troublesome (mainly lazy) and don’t want to partition by myself.

If you choose other options to install (this picture is found on the Internet), please select the free partition you have divided (non-manual partition installation)

Select the installation location, the default is OK, it will automatically find the blank partition we created.

Choose time zone

Fill in the account information (it is estimated that all will be filled, not detailed)

Then it's over

If the following operations are unnecessary, it is recommended to skip skip, and close
Entering is just a few small windows, you should skip and skip, you should go forward, you should close and close

Then there are a bunch of updates and other prompts. If you want to change it, you can close it. If you don’t change it, close it. Do you see Xiaohong X? Click it and it's done.

Click to perform this action now, and there will be a bunch of troubles

Apply to the entire system and then close

Apply to the entire system also need to enter a password

Install immediately, also enter the password, and then install, it is recommended to close it directly, and change it when I want to change it. I find it troublesome, and I am afraid, so I close it directly

Look at the desktop

Guide interface beautification

Win10 + Ubuntu 20.04 LTS dual system boot interface beautification

Solve the dual system time problem

Win10 + Ubuntu20.04 dual system time out of synchronization problem

So far, this article about the detailed graphic tutorial of installing ubuntu20.04 dual system on windows10 is introduced here. For more related windows10 installing ubuntu20.04 dual system content, please search for previous articles by ZaLou.Cn or continue to browse related articles below I hope you will support ZaLou.Cn a lot in the future!

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