Detailed explanation of quick installation and configuration of Subversion (SVN) under Ubuntu

If you are a software developer, you must be familiar with Subversion. Subversion is a free and open source version control system. Under Subversion management, files and directories can transcend time and space. Subversion stores files in a central repository. This repository is much like an ordinary file server. The difference is that it can record every file and directory modification, so that you can restore the data to the previous version. And you can view the details of the data changes. Because of this, many people regard version control systems as a kind of magical "time machine".

How to quickly build Subversion service

This article describes how to quickly build Subversion service through URLOS under Ubuntu, without complicated command lines, one-click installation.

First, install ULROS:

curl -LO && sh siu

After the installation is successful, access through http://ip:9968 and log in to URLOS using the default account password.

Search for "Subversion" in the application market, and after you find Subversion, click Install:

Fill in the service name in the Basic Information, select the running node, and fill in the port number:

Enter an SSH password in Set SSH parameters, note that this is not the server's SSH:

Click the submit button after setting. At this point, the Subversion service is set up.

How to use Subversion

We can use SVN client to access address: svn://ip/project, default account: admin password: urlos520;

Enter svn://ip/project

Browse the repository and add a file to the repository

Enter username: admin, password: urlos520

File added successfully

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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