DLNA/UPnP Server installation and configuration under Ubuntu 12.04

It is very convenient to configure DLNA under the PC, and it is easy to realize the sharing of media in the local area network by using the family group and Window Media Player. These topics have been mentioned in the previous article, including the use of the Android client and Chrome and the Xiaomi box.

Here to record the installation and configuration of minidlna under Ubuntu 12.04.

  1. Install the server
# apt-get install minidlna
  1. The configuration file is in **minidlna.conf under the /etc/ directory. The main configuration is **

Configure the media catalog, you can add multiple catalogs in branches, and you can also specify the media type.

# setthis to the directory you want scanned.
 # * if have multiple directories, you can have multiple media_dir= lines
 # * if you want to restrict a media_dir to a specific content type,you
 # can prepend the type, followed by a comma, to the directory:
 # + “A” foraudio(eg. media_dir=A,/home/jmaggard/Music)
 # + “V” forvideo(eg. media_dir=V,/home/jmaggard/Videos)
 # + “P” forimages(eg. media_dir=P,/home/jmaggard/Pictures)
friendly_name=My DLNA Server
  1. At this point the configuration is over, restart the service or reload
# service minidlna force-reload
# service minidlna restart

TIPS: The media directory I mounted here is located on the mobile hard disk. Ubuntu cannot modify the mounting permissions of the mobile storage device by default. The default is 700. You need to remount manually here to change the read and write permissions and make the service take effect.
Create a new mount point /media/MData and mount sdb3.

# mount /dev/sdb3 /media/MData -o nls=tf-8,umask=000,uid=1000,gid=1000

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