Installation and usage instructions of rz/sz command under ubuntu


When using the Linux system, we often need to upload local files to the server or download files from the server to the local. The rz / sz command is very convenient to help us achieve this function, but many Linux systems initially do not have these two command.

1 》Under the ubuntu system, the rz/sz command installation method is as follows:

apt-get install lrzsz

2 "Instructions for use

The sz command sends files to the local:

# sz filename 

The rz command will upload files locally to the server

# rz

After executing this command, select the file to upload in the pop-up box.

sz command

Usage description: The sz command uses the ZModem protocol to transfer files from the Linux server to the local. One or more files can be transferred at a time. Correspondingly upload files from the local to the Linux server, you can use the rz command.

Common parameters

If you can be sure that the transferred file is in text format, use sz -a files

If it is a binary file, use sz -be files

rz command

If you want to ensure that the uploaded file content is consistent with the original file after being saved on the server side, it is best to set these two flags at the same time, as shown below:

rz -be

When this command is executed, a file selection dialog box will pop up. After selecting the file to be uploaded, click OK to start the upload process. The upload speed depends on the current network conditions.

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