Ubuntu12 step-by-step installation and configuration (system, FTP, TELNET.. settings)

I recently reinstalled the Linux operating system, and found that some commonly used configurations have been forgotten. I need to re-google to check the settings one by one. Today I record my personal operations.

These are my few steps. Since they were simply written in E when recording, they were glued:

  1. install ubuntu linux os using U-DISK beside Widows 7 ,Warning: choose  the place where  grub.cfg  should  locate in.

  2. wlan drivers, maybe you need to connect to an available wried network, download and install the driver,and then active it.

  3. Disable the guest session.

  4. Setting the ftp and telnet server.

  5. Set up Root account.

Describe in detail:

  1. Use U disk to install, first make a USB boot disk, because the PC is relatively old (machine in 2008), the setting is still a little trouble; if you install windows 7 and linux dual system, you need to install Windows first, otherwise you need to repair the BCD, which is very troublesome. Don't select Boot to your U disk partition, otherwise, you will need that U disk every time you enter Ubuntu.

  2. It is installed, there is no wireless network card driver, and it needs to be obtained online. If the wired network is not available, then you have to find it manually, and the computer should be replaced because it is too old...

  3. Log in to the system and disable guest session. The specific method is very simple. Add *** in `***etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf'

[ SeatDefaults]

Ubuntu14.04 disable guest session change configuration /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d /50-unity-greeter.conf

[ SeatDefaults]

I wrote this method before: https://www.gigiwangs.com/archives/564.

  1. Install Telnet and Ftp server program
sudo apt-get install telnetd
sudo apt-get install vsftpd

This is too simple to install under Ubuntu, it can be used almost without any settings, Fedora is different, Selinux, firewall must be set up, there is no more...

  1. Enable root users. Ubuntu 12 prohibits root login by default. Enable it.. This is also very simple:
sudo passwd root
  1. Install some common software and libraries.....

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